上個月有過一面之緣的義大利廠商 – 菲比歐,見我上線又來哈拉幾句, 開門見山又是: “甚麼時候成立公司?”
(幫幫忙啊 菲比歐, 你以為要成立一家公司跟去擺路邊攤一樣容易嗎?)
客戶-義大利-菲比歐: i had an very positive impression about you [2010/11/19 下午 06:07:41]
stephanie: thanks for that. I like gaming industry, so will try to stay in it, if possible. [2010/11/19 下午 06:07:52]
客戶-義大利-菲比歐: did you think anytime to live in Italy? here there still is a gaming company [2010/11/19 下午 06:14:43]
stephanie: WHAT?? wow.......surprising offer. (有沒有搞錯? 到義大利工作? 開甚麼玩笑? 雖然我還挺喜歡義大利人的tone ~~)
客戶-義大利-菲比歐: you consider my (and my company) proposal ....[2010/11/19 下午 06:16:49]
客戶-義大利-菲比歐: let me know if i can help you for something.
many times in the life it is important follow the instinct. speaking with Stefano about you, we consider the you demonstrated us many compliance with italian sales rule. [2010/11/19 下午 06:23:39]
(還蠻開心對方的肯定,現在的我確實很需要這種鼓勵。 過去的國際業務的經驗真的是給我非常好的訓練 ~ 只是…我真的沒辦法去義大利工作啊 ~ 扼腕 ~)
等超人叔叔回家我跟他說: “以前的義大利客戶offer我到義大利為他們工作的機會”
超人叔叔竟然沒有很崇拜我, 還潑我冷水: “這麼久了, 原來妳的價值是在義大利才被發現啊。”
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