Hey Glyn,
This is for you.
A black parcel sailed from the mysterious Bermuda
island and arrived our home on 4th July.
It was a big surprise to receive special T-shirts,
caps and stuff with BERMUDA printed on.
Unsolved mysteries in Bermuda triangle was one of
my favourite reading topics at primary school time.
And I would never expect to receive any stuff from Bermuda,
especially something useful in daily life.
We love those T-shirts, thank you very much, Glyn.
Boys are in summer vacation, so they are in-and-out
all the time; Jeff travels out of town for business a lot, so it took us a
few days to finally get together and took photos late in the afternoon while
sunlight was still there. (they often come home very late at night, no good for
Now it our turn to send you something in return……was
googling about the import duty on items to Bermuda.
心裡頭挺羨慕的,很想規劃個自助旅行到百慕達瞧瞧,到底是有多神祕啊?? 有外星人遺跡嗎??
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